

protective limit

The protective limit for Alpha/Beta is the DOE daily limit of .8 Derived Air Concentration-Hour for onsite workers.  While the limit is set such that workers are protected at this level of exposure, the actual alpha/beta measurements within the project boundary are far below this standard.  For instance the annual dose to project workers, based on alpha measurements to date, is approximately 0.78 millirem.  This compares favorably to the protective limit set for members of the public of 10 millirem/year by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).  This national NESHAP standard was set after scientific studies as well as review and comment from members of the public.


Note that in the first graph below, the data is so low in comparison to the protective limit that it is hard to see the data clearly.  Please see the second graph where the data is much more clear because it is shown at a smaller scale.

protective limit

The protective limit for Alpha/Beta is the DOE daily limit of .8 Derived Air Concentration-Hour for onsite workers.  While the limit is set such that workers are protected at this level of exposure, the actual alpha/beta measurements within the project boundary are far below this standard.  For instance the annual dose to project workers, based on alpha measurements to date, is approximately 0.78 millirem.  This compares favorably to the protective limit set for members of the public of 10 millirem/year by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).  This national NESHAP standard was set after scientific studies as well as review and comment from members of the public.

2024-12-02 Beta 2

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